Which Filter should i get


New Member
Im looking at setting up a new tank and i was looking for some advice on which filter would be the best. The spec are 54, and im planning on starting out with some normal fish like clwn, angl, etc. But i would like to maybe later change to a reef also. So i need it to be able to handle both enviromnets.


You will get tons of different advice on this. I will list my filtration for a 90 gallon reef. This is a very easy if maintained. Matter of fact My wife maintained the reef without any losses while I was gone for 3 months.
Magnum 350 pro Cleaned monthly religously. I really love this filter and contrary to what some people say I don't think that a maintained canister filter will raise nitrates more than if you had no filter. For half the price of the magnum you could get two penguin 330's which are nice hang on filters.
prizm potein skimmer, not my favorite but to lazy to buy a backpack which lots of people like.
Lots of live rock and a 1.5 inch sand bed. I really don't like the look of the DSB but lots of other people do. If you have the biowheels then you won't need live rock for ammonia and nitrite convertion.

northwest rick

New Member
If you want to keep things simple and inexpensive, relativly speaking, then check out GARF's Bullet Proof Reef aquarium set up (site has an online calculator for your size tank). <a href="http://www.garf.org" target="_blank">www.garf.org</a>
This system seems to works well for them. They are well respected and have some pretty nice tanks too(they are coral farmers in Idaho. All of their corals resemble potatoes. A little humor).
I have a 90g set up using their formula and it works great. Didn't cost much either.