Which fish can we get?


Active Member
We have a 75 gallon tank and have just finished our cycle. We have a list of fish that we like, but we aren't sure just how many we can put in our size tank and if they will all get along. Also, what order do we need to purchase them in. We are aware that we cannot put them in the tank at the same time.
Thanks for your advice.
Here's the list we have (in no order at all)
Sailfin tang
Six Line Wrasse
Pajama Cardinal
Clownfish (one or two)
Flame angel
Yellow Shrimp Goby
Midas Blenny
We know this one has to be in a well established tank, but we want to know if you recommend it mixed with the above when that point comes.
Green Mandarin


Active Member
u can actually hv all of them in ur tank, but not all at once. the flame angel and mandarin need a well established tank of at least 6-8 months with lots of liverocks. the clowns and 6-line are the hardiest of the group. the sailfin and others could be added afterward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
u can actually hv all of them in ur tank, but not all at once. the flame angel and mandarin need a well established tank of at least 6-8 months with lots of liverocks. the clowns and 6-line are the hardiest of the group. the sailfin and others could be added afterward.

Awesome!!!! Thats what I like to here!!!!
What order would you put them in the tank? 1 by 1 if you dont mind.


Active Member
they should get along fine.
how much lr do u hv?


Active Member
A quick questions as well. The yellow watchmen goby is a sand siftler? Like is the one that cleans my sand?


how much LR do you plan on having in all? Whatever amount, you should probably add it all at once.
BOB's order looks good.
I have 2 false percs. Mine are 1 orange, and 1 black and white. You may want to look into that. You can't mix species, but if you get different types w/ in the false perc species, you should be fine. Some ppl advise against, but a lot say it's okay. I recently added the 2nd one, and they haven't paired, but seem to be fine together.
Just be sure one is considerably larger than the other. Larger will likely become the female.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
20lbs isnt much at all. for a 75 gallon, at least 100.
Yea I know I dont have alot, but I do have ab 35 to 40 pounds of base and dead rock I bought. I dont know if that really matters bc it isnt live rock.


i would get 4 PJ cardinals not just one, also 2 small false perc clown not one.
Since you do not have much live rock maybe you could add a emperor 400 HOB filter, that will let you have a much stronger bio load. Also a high quality protein skimmer is something you should invest in, you won't believe the gunk they take out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pete159
i would get 4 PJ cardinals not just one, also 2 small false perc clown not one.
Since you do not have much live rock maybe you could add a emperor 400 HOB filter, that will let you have a much stronger bio load. Also a high quality protein skimmer is something you should invest in, you won't believe the gunk they take out.

nvm joe. I figured out IMO. i dont half to have a six line. Someone said it was a hardy fish and that I would have to use a damsel for my first fish a six line would work.
I have a ref system with a skimmer.


Active Member
IMO=in my opinion. Sixlines can be very aggressive, I think that's what he's getting at.
Emp400s are good for hob filters...I guess. Still live rock is a much better source of filtration. IMO, you should get more. However it is possible to get too much. Don't let anyone tell you that you can never have too much...fish need room to swim don't forget.


Active Member
the baserock is become live over time. it looks good and just go slow when adding fish. add a few more rocks in the future and u r good to go. as for the 6line, i think he meant it could get aggressive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
IMO=in my opinion. Sixlines can be very aggressive, I think that's what he's getting at.
Emp400s are good for hob filters...I guess. Still live rock is a much better source of filtration. IMO, you should get more. However it is possible to get too much. Don't let anyone tell you that you can never have too much...fish need room to swim don't forget.

I have plenty of room to add more LR. Im gonna get some this weekend from my LFS. Gonna half to rearrange some of the rock I have now to add more so it doesnt look like its been thrown in there ya know.