Which fish first??

dark angel

We have a 55 gal reef tank. Right now it has living it in ...
60 lbs LS
25 lbs LR (ya i know we need more, workin on that :D)
2 perc clowns,
1 yellow tail blue damsel (getting ready to go in the lobster tank)
18 blue leg hermits
2 mex turbo snails
1 anemone crab, 1 emerald crab, 1 horseshoe crab (worthless)
1 bulb anemone, and one sebae (spelling) anemone,
and a few green stripped mush.
We dont want too many fish cause i want them to have ideal room to roam. I want to add a tang and a dwarf angel.
For the angel im thinking a coral beauty. Im not sure what tang yet, my fav is the blue hippo tang, but i've heard there really prone to ich. :(
So my ?? is ... what do i add first, the angel or the tang. And my next ?? is ... What kind of tang. I want something other than just the yellow tang. i want some color varaition.
Also ... next year we are upgrading to either a 75 or100 gal tank. Thanks


i would put the angel in first, But i do not see any of the fish being overly aggressive, I have had a hippo for over a year now, had not had ick once, other tangs powdered blues are nice and so are dejardians.


is you yellow tail blue damsel very aggressive? I keep getting differing info on them. I have only had my saltwater for a month and it's my first tank so I still don't know what I am doing yet. I just got one 2 weeks ago and then a domino saturday when I bought them I was told that they were fairly peaceful fish. After I already bought them I heard that they should be add last because they are aggressive. In you experience what have you found to be true?


I alwyas use damsels to cycle my tank, i dont find them aggressive at all though i dont house them with other small reef fish, thats why when alot people say there aggressive, i think they are housing them clown fish and such, i have damsels with large angles and tangs, though i still doubt i would keep them with butterflys, its best to leave butterflys by themselves with maybe a clownfish.