Which Fish in an Established Tank???

mike j

I've heard that some tang species and all pygmy angels should not be added to a tank until it has been up and running for six months.
This made me wonder, which fish need to be introduced into an already established tank?
Thanks for the help again guys!

tru conch

Active Member
basically what anthem said
an established tank is just that, established. this means all the parameters have leveled off and are not swinging up and down.
with the water stable, fish that are more easily stressed out will not undergo the stress of chemical changes. thus they will stay healthly.
as i have learned over the years, patience is crucial. take your time, you will be much happier. :)

mike j

yes, I am being patient, I'm not in that big of a hurry to spend money :)
A question though, I have also heard that adding several fish at one time will be bad for the system biologically. I can understand this. The ecological balance will shift and will likely result in nitrogen spikes. However, I am hoping to buy 4-5 green chromis when the cycling process is complete (or close to it) and was wondering if I should get 1-2 a week or just get all 5 at the same time.
I think they work better as a schooling fish so I would like to add them relatively close together. Would I have to quarentine these fish? These would be the first fish I am adding if that makes a difference.
(77gal. 50lbs LR)