Which fish will eat anemones?


I think I read somewhere that butterfly fish will eat anemones. Are there any other fish that eat anemones?
Are there any fish that should not be in an aquarium with an anemone?
Thanks, Jim


Active Member
Not sure if you asking because the anemone is a pet and you dont want it hurt or its a pest and you do.....
Many fish will/can eat/pick at anemones. To many to list seperately. Some are some of the angles, butterflies, batfish, triggers, filefish......
An anemone will catch and eat any fish that happens to allow it to happen. Thats what they do......Many timid species often end up consumed are gobies, blennies, manderines and any small enough fish that is spooked and flees into one.


Sorry, I should have been more clear.
I'm getting ready to set-up a 125G FOWLR tank. This will be my first salt water tank.
I was wondering if I could keep a BTA in with some of the more aggressive or semi aggressive fish.
The specific fish I am considering are:
Blue Girdled Angelfish
True Percula Clownfish X 2
Spotted Hawkfish
Lemonpeel Angelfish
Scooter Blenny
possibly a Clown Trigger
Will any of these fish bother an anemone?
Thanks much, Jim