which fishes are better, yes fishes

pick ur favorate for each group and if u want plz say y for each if u can
nemo vs black and white nemo
red firefish vs purple firefish
pajama cardinal vs bangaii cardinal
harptail blenny vs smith blenny
flame angel vs coral beauty angelfish
pick ur favorate for each group and if u want plz say y for each if u can


Active Member
black and white nemo
purple firefish
bangaii cardinal
harptail blenny
flame angel
nice colors, cool looking fish
thats y
all of u so far picked 3 of the same fish the nemos, the blennies, and the cardinals
my first reef tank in the house would be housed with the nemos the second reef tank is the black and white nemos so the choice is nemo
purple firefish because iv seen the red ones so many times that its a change to see purple
i guess this make four in the cardinal fish since i picked them for this category i love there black strips and silver color and there eyes.
i would choose smith blenny because of the splash of white although i love the tail of the harptail blenny
the last fish would be a flame angel
i hope more come to voice there opinion


saddleback (own regular occelaris though)
purple fishfish
banggai (had these but hawkfish killed them)
flame (own a CB and hoping I can slip one of these in without a problem)


nemo the godfather of saltwater fish
perple firefish great color
bangaii cardinal just neat, like a helicoptor in the tank
smith blenny the white makes for good color
flame angel bold coloration is beutiful
throw a Yellow Tang in a tank with these and it would be very nice, colorful tank.

it's chuck

Black & White
not big on either but the Harptail out of those two
Coral Beauty, Love the purple, and I like their body shape better


Active Member
The are my favs of the groups, not limited to the original two choices, that are also commonly available (C/A).
My favorite clowns are Blue Striped, Amphiprion chrysopterus
My favorite dartfish is the Helfrich's, Nemateleotris helfrichi
My favorite Cardinal is the Orange Striped, Apogon cyanosoma
My favorite Blenny is the standard(the blue one, not the golden) Midas Blenny, Ecsenius midas

My favorite dwarf angel, is the Multi-Barred, tho that one's not C/A, so the Bluefin, Centropyge multispinis
MAN I LOVE THE HELFRICHI FIREFISH BUT FOR $175 A PIECE ID RATHER GO WITH THE PURPLE i lfet the caps on but that fish is good looking


My vote!
Black and White Clown - Never had one
Purple Firefish - They look AWESOME
Pajama Cardinal - Great coloration
Flame Angel - Neater colors


Active Member
You only have a 29g so you are going to have to axe the angel. I say go with the clowns you like, a nice wrasse and a bottom dwelling goby. Or you can ask us why your fish are all dying in a few months.
lololol no i will not be putting in all those fish i cut the blennies out am im deciding whic others to cut out im not selfish i wouldnt put fishes lives in danger just because i want more fish in a tank if i was a noob i prob would but dont wrry as much as i might want to i will do the right thing for the fishes and the reef.