Which is better set-up?



I am probably going to have to downsize my tank soon, and decided to set up my own nano tank, rather than buy one.
It is a 26 gallon bowfront, 24 inches wide.
I can either do a lighting set-up with 4 t-5 bulbs which would be 96 watt
Or a clamp on MH which is 150watt.
What do yall think would be a better set up? the t-5 would be better for temp. and would be able to keep them on longer, and get better light color. BUT, i like the shimmer of MH.........
thanks for your opinoin.


Only bad thing about the MH is that there are no alternate lights, if i run the halides for 7 hrs a day, then i will have a dark tank for 17 hrs a day......With the t-5's i can turn one or two off when i want.
You think i could keep the SPS i want under the t-5's?


The 26 gallon bowfront is 24"W 14" deep and 20" tall. I am going to have about a 3 inch sandbed, so its only going to be around 15 of water, because its going to have an overflow.
Nope, i dream of having a 150, but i have a 60 gallon corner bowfront.
I am keeping my nice coral that i cant part with, and selling the stuff that i like, but wont have room for.


I was just looking, and i could do 3of the t-5 fixtures, which would be 6x24 watt bulbs. But i would much rather just do 4 of the bulbs.


Active Member
Do you already have the t5s? If not do they not coming in more wattage for the 24' fixtures?
Or a halide fixture with t5s or pcs with a halide bulb? I have a 250 watt over my 30 gal with two 65 watt actinic bulbs


The bulbs do not come in higher wattage, The only t5 fixtures that are 24" hold just 4 bulbs, not 6.
I was looking at some of the MH/pc combos. Just dont want too much heat.
The 250MH with dual pc's isnt too much for a 30 gallon???


Active Member
nah I love it. and all the corals seems to love and the SPS are doing great in the tank. I had a 10k bulb, but recnetly switched to a 14k. But i did have heating issues esp being in Texas. but a bought a fan to blow across the surface and havent had a problem since. Temp stays between 78-80


Awesome, i bet it SUPER bright, i can imagine the SPS do love it! I am thinking i may just go with the 150 watt MH fixture. Now i have to decide if i want to spend 2oo on the clamp on fixture, or 230 on the really pretty solona brusned aluminum fixture........Decisions, decisions.


Do you have a pic of it when its lit up? i can imagine it lights up thewhole room.
my 150 with dual 96 pc's lights up the living room. Seems like you could keep SPS anywhere in that tank


Active Member
lol I dont have a pic of the room with it on, but the 10 k was way bright. The 14k isnt as bad, but it is still bright...
