Which is better?


New Member
Which is the better tank, the minibow5, minibow7, or the eclipse 6?
:confused: It seems like the minibow5 has a higher wattage light than the 7, but I dont know if the filter system on the eclipse is better. I just want to put some live rock and sand, along with a couple of small shrimp, a hermit crab, and maybe a shroom.:confused:
I would appreciate any info u guys may have.
<--worlds greatest smilie


hassin when compareing prices you'd be best off with the 5 over the 7. What many seem to have done is bought the mini 5 and purchased cheap HOB's to replace the crappy internal. And then you can buy a single coralife 20w 50/50 or others have modified the hood to accept two 10w 50/50's.


New Member
This might sound stupid, but what is an HOB? And, while ur answering, where would I get one for the 5 gallon? Thanks for the reply. :joy: Also, Where would I get the 20 watt 50/50 bulb?


HOB= hang on back (filter or skimmer or anything). You should replace with an HOB filter that can be bought at just about any pet store. Consider a millenium or whisperer. (im not a huge fan of penguin, but they get they job done alose). And if you really have the money buy a fluval (comes in cannister and in smaller tanks can actually be put in the tanK!!!!).


New Member
:) OH, that makes sense, thanks. What GPH should I be looking for for a 5 gallon tank. Again, I would like to eventually keep a percular clown in there with some LR, and LS and a cleanup crew. I saw one of these HOB's that is rated at 170gph. Is that enough? Again, thanks for the info.


I think for the 5 gallon a Percula Clow would prolly be a bad idea. As for a HOB for the tank a Whisper 5-15 or aqua-tech would do nicely...both rated around 90gph. If you did want any fish i wouldn't go any larger then say a Yellow Clown Goby. Some would say thats pushing it aswell...but if you aren't lazy and keep up with maintnance it should be fine i think. Oh yeah one more thing on those HOB's...i've found them at Wal-Mart for just over $10. The Coralife 20w 50/50 aught to be found at some lfs's...or if that fails online ordering.


New Member
Thanks clownnut, what about the 7 gallon for the percula, see the thing is, this tank has to go on my desk in my room. I dont have anywhere else to put it, and my desk is very strong. Also, if I went with the 7 gallon, what wattage bulb should I get, or is available for it.
Thanks for the help.:happy:


i'm not sure what kind of lighting the 7 gallon comes with...but i do know that some people on this forum have retro-fitted...maybe they will pop in and let ya know how. I have seen a small clown in a 7 gallon at a lfs before...I suppose its possible..just gotta keep up with everything pretty good.


New Member
Fitting is not the problem, its the weight. Like I said, this tank has to go on my desk, and I dont think it can take the close to 100 hundred pounds that I think it would wiegh ( u know, water, rocks, and sand). That just seems like alot of weight. Thanks though, I appreciate the info:) .


Active Member
I say a 7 gallon minibow because you can mod the light fixture with a 32 watt retro and it fits perfect and it is made out of glass so it wont scratch as easy. Check out my post in the past I had one set up over a year and I just reset it up again...