Which is the better deal?


O.K. so i've really decided the 70 gallon set up for $250 wasn't the deal for me.So i was checking the paper and this lady has 55gal for $50 and some 20gal's for $10.I mean it's just the tanks but that is real good right.I think DH is gonna build us a stand.As far as lighting goes those ones at petsmart aren't any good right?We could make our own hood and lights right?How?I got all the other figured out.Just still trying to figure this lighting thing out


Before you buy make sure they are drilled tanks. Personally I would go with a bigger tank than a 55 if you are doing saltwater. The larger the tank the better. Usally 55's are not wide enough to fit in all that you end up wanting to put in there. A 75 is the same length and height only wider. If you don't get a drilled tank and buy the 55 then you will have equipment hanging inside that will take up some of the room which will leave less for your rocks and stuff.


Originally Posted by kiharaconn
Before you buy make sure they are drilled tanks. Personally I would go with a bigger tank than a 55 if you are doing saltwater. The larger the tank the better. Usally 55's are not wide enough to fit in all that you end up wanting to put in there. A 75 is the same length and height only wider. If you don't get a drilled tank and buy the 55 then you will have equipment hanging inside that will take up some of the room which will leave less for your rocks and stuff.
I don't know anything about drilled?Is that so it can have plumbing and and a sump underneath?If it's not drilled how do i drill it?


I agree, sometimes deal's in the newspaper or the internet sound good but if they are not a saltwater fish setup by the prior owner you will be stuck having all the huge, bulky and ugly equipment hanging off the back of your tank, and i also agree with the 75 gallon being a better buy not because of fitting stuff in but because there is more room for error in a bigger tank than a smaller, plus 75 is an in between tank, what i mean is that most people when they start off with a small tank they end up buying bigger one's later on down the line, pretty much 75 is a great size of a tank because its not to big yet its not to small and can fit more of the popluar fish out there, but i hopw you enjoy the hobby what ever size you choose and welcome to big spending!!!