Which light kits to go with


I am going to build a hood this weekend for my 55 gal I want to put my own lights in it. I was thinking of going T-5 but I really dont know. Any advice I want the option of corals in the future now my tank is FOWLR. how many lights and which retro kits to get?


Active Member
I would go with T5. A 4-bulb TEK retrofit setup would allow you too keep any corals you want in the future. If you search around there's a site that sells the 4-bulb kit for $210, that doesn't come with bulbs.


I went the T5 route and had a nice setup. I then switched tanks and and realized that I would be spending more money on them now getting new bulbs b/c the other ones were the wrong length and that means that I had to buy new reflectors too. I was looking at the price and by the time I got all that new stuff plus a canopy I would have been able to buy a decent MH kit that hangs from the ceiling. So I went with the hanging MH's so if I ever switch tanks again I know they will work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
I would go with T5. A 4-bulb TEK retrofit setup would allow you too keep any corals you want in the future. If you search around there's a site that sells the 4-bulb kit for $210, that doesn't come with bulbs.