Which lighting?


New Member
I'm new to the marine aquarium hobby and I plan on setting up a 72 G aquarium in the next few weeks. I would like to start out with live rocks, snails, crabs and a few fishes for the first 6 months or so. But within a year, I'd like to add some anenomes and clams. I know some creatures are incompatible with one another, so I'll do my research first before I purchase them. My question is what type of lighting should I purchase? Everyone says that halides are the best, and I would like to have them in a year or so, but I think it would be overkill now. Is there a setup which I can purchase that would have maybe 2 PC 10K lights and 2 PC blue actinics and 2 halides? The reason why I would want this is because I can just use the PCs first for the first year, then when I'm ready for the anenomes and clams, I'll plug in the halides. I want to purchase the right setup now because I don't want to have to purchase a retrokit later on. Which brands do you all like? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
A MH and PC combination would be a nice setup. Clams and anenomes require lots of light. You can find some nice MH/PC combo's on the auction site, manufactured by cool touch lighting.