which lion do I buy?

I have a 55g tank that will soon be the home of a tiny snowflake and a lionfish. I'm deciding between a dwarf and a fu manchu, but I don't know how big the fu manchu will get, and I don't want unhappy fish. I've heard that dwarves are plenty hardy, but disagreements on the fu manchu. Also, is there any sort of clean up crew these two wouldn't eat, or will I only find ou tby buying big ol' snails and seeing if they end up being food? Thanks for any help, opinions, replies
get the dwarf and possibly you may be able to get some snails , no shrimp or anything, experiment try it it could work


New Member
I have had a dwarf lion with snails and hermits without a problem. The lion doesn't even pay attention to them. I wouldn't suggest any shrimp as they would be eaten before they hit the bottom.
Id get a Dwarf, Radiatta or antennata instead of the FuManChu I know more people that have (had) them vs. have them still.
Just my 2cents, goodluck with which ever one you get.