Which Lionfish


Ok yall have been helping me with the tank and I appreciate the help alot. Ok I am wanting to get a Lionfish and am wanting one of the smaller ones. So It is between the Dwarf Zebra and the Antennata.
Here are the tank inhabitants:
1 ocellarus
1 royal gramma
1 Lanwmower Blenny
1 Six-Line Wrasse
1 Scribbled Rabbitfish
1 Niger Trigger
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Naso Tang
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 Coral Banded Schrimp (fully grown) and also cleans my fish
Pencil Urchin (fully grown)
Oh and the tank is a 240 gallon that I bought today. I have live sand and about 50 lbs of live rock and another 200 lbs coming. I have a Canister filter rated for 300 gallon aquariums. 2 200 gallon Protein Skimmers. 2 emporer 400. and 4 maxi-jets. Anything else feel free to ask. This is going to end up a FOWLR.
Also I want to add an Large Angel (juvinile) which is the best option for one?


Active Member
My personal favorite is the fuzzy dwarf, but of the two you mentioned, the antenata does much better.
As for angels, which are you interested in? Queens are gorgeous, as are imperator's. Both are fairly easy and relatively inexpensive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
My personal favorite is the fuzzy dwarf, but of the two you mentioned, the antenata does much better.
As for angels, which are you interested in? Queens are gorgeous, as are imperator's. Both are fairly easy and relatively inexpensive.
Really? I thought the Antenatas tend to give people a hard time with feeding. I figured the fuzzy dwarf would be easier to keep


I think you might loose a tank mate once it gets bigger, unless you went with the dwarf..........just my .02 Good luck


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Really? I thought the Antenatas tend to give people a hard time with feeding. I figured the fuzzy dwarf would be easier to keep

fuzzy dwarf lions are the easiest to keep, but out of the two mentioned, antenata lions would be easier to get eating. rarely do i see a zebra lion come in that isn't a pain to get eating.


New Member
I have a red antennata lion and he is the reason all my fish have died in my 45 gal tank. He will not eat frozen foods. Will only touch only live and gets sick/cloudy eyes every time he eats freshwater fish. The the disease spreads to the other fish in my tank. He has the best personality and I love him so much all my other fish have been sacrificed for him. I would only buy a lion that has been trained to eat frozen food. That's just my opinion. He also ate my lawnmower blenny and was looking at my diamond goby considering if he culd fit it in his mouth!! I feed him red minnows and small feeder goldfish. Have tried soaking krill, shrimp etc in garlic, dangling it from a fish line, stuck on a feeder stick, etc. but he will only eat if it's alive and kicking!
I will never get another lion unless it was tank raised and/or trained to eat frozen foods - so good luck.I hear the zebras are easier to train?


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Really? I thought the Antenatas tend to give people a hard time with feeding. I figured the fuzzy dwarf would be easier to keep

Fuzzy's are. The OP didn't ask about fuzzys, he asked about zebra's and Antenatas.


Originally Posted by kappelgard
I have a red antennata lion and he is the reason all my fish have died in my 45 gal tank. He will not eat frozen foods. Will only touch only live and gets sick/cloudy eyes every time he eats freshwater fish. The the disease spreads to the other fish in my tank. He has the best personality and I love him so much all my other fish have been sacrificed for him. I would only buy a lion that has been trained to eat frozen food. That's just my opinion. He also ate my lawnmower blenny and was looking at my diamond goby considering if he culd fit it in his mouth!! I feed him red minnows and small feeder goldfish. Have tried soaking krill, shrimp etc in garlic, dangling it from a fish line, stuck on a feeder stick, etc. but he will only eat if it's alive and kicking!
I will never get another lion unless it was tank raised and/or trained to eat frozen foods - so good luck.I hear the zebras are easier to train?
Why can't you train your lion to eat frozen? It is quite easy. If you have been feeding him FW feeders, then please stop. The fish will have problems. Start him on ghost shrimp ASAP. Ween him onto frozen. He will not starve. If you wait until there is a problem then it may be too late to save him.


Well I have gotten the Zebra Lionfish and thinking about addind another lionfish to the tank as well. does it need to be another Zebra or can it be a Fuzzy?


Active Member
Thats a good question. I dont know for sure because I've never kept them together but I would assume given a decent sized tank and their temperment that you shouldnt have any issues. I'm curious to hear peoples experience with it too...


Active Member
Thought Puffers and Triggers with Lions was a NO NO. And won't your clown and Royal be Lion food sooner or later?
For looks I say Antenatta, but what about a Radiata.


I don't know about those two,But my Volitan got even with me one Friday night when I forgot to bring home his weekly feeder shrimp.Got up Saturday and he was laying on a rock with a swollen belly,being lazy like after eating his weekly snacks,looking around and found that a yellow tail damsel was nowhere to be found.It was half the size of him, how he ate it is beyond me! But I haven't forgot his weekly snack anymore. The moral of the story is he never messed with any of the fish before! So good luck with anything smaller than he is.And don't forget his snack!


95Harley, I dont the have the puffer, trigger, nor the Royal anymore and as far as the clown it will be a gold stripe maroon.
Whats the biggest Antennata and Radiata ya'll have seen?