Which nano to go with?


Active Member
A friend of mine is wanting to do a nano and asked me about them. I have zero experience with them so here I come :)
I see Nano Cubes, AquaPods etc. What size would a beginner go with, 14, 24? She wants to have soft corals. She has no budget set and knowing her she is willing to do what ever it takes to have success in this hobby. She is a perfectionist.
Lighting, filters, what resource is the best to find all this at?


Active Member
You will get great success with any of the cubes for the most part. I would get the largest size you can as it does make a bit of difference.
1. Room for growth.
2. Room for error (with levels in the aquaria)
Definetly, if she is EVER thinking of getting into SPS corals, clams, or anemones, get upgraded lights at the git-go. Like a 150w MH. I have a nano cube and LOOOVE it.
I have a 29 gallon Oceanic Biocube, it is great. I have added the Oceanic Nano Skimmer and a Koralia Nano pump, but besides that it is stock. If you friend wants to stick to soft corals, zoos, mushrooms, ricordia these tanks are great. I even have a clam in mine, I placed him at the top so he is only 3 to 4 inches from the light and it is doing great. I have pics of my tank posted on here also, take a look sometime. I know people tell you that the stock lighting isnt enough but that is not true at all. Good luck in your decision.