Which of these can I glue to live rock?


I just got these frags. Can I, should I, how do I, glue these frags to rock?
Pavona coral
Colt coral
Kenya tree coral
green frogspawn
neon green sinularia
The colt, kenya and sinularia are pretty slippery and I did not know if it would hurt the frogspawn to glue it base to a rock.


Active Member
The pavona and frogspawn should be able to be easily glued down. The other three get pretty slimy so glue probably won't work. With most soft corals like those I use rubber bands. Just remove the bands after a couple days.


thanks for the inof viper. Does rubberbands hurt the corals? To have them on tight enough to hold I don't want to damage them.


Active Member
The corals should be fine with rubber bands. Just make them just barely tight enough to hold the coral down without strangling it. After a few days from removing the bands the marks left over will disappear.


Active Member
I have banded afew leathers to tight and the rubberband cut right through them so take the advice and band it as loose as you can.


They keep coming out of the rubberband, kept it loose and found my colt in a powerhead tonight. I stuck the kenya trees, sinularia and colt coral in rock crevices and put some small pieces of live rock on the side of them to hold them in place. Has anyone seen soft corals attatch this way?


Yes, sometimes I have resorted to 2 small pieces of live rock, smoosh the frag in between them and rubberband the rocks together.


Great to hear. I just put the colt in a pocket of my live rock and set a heavier piece of live rock on top of it.
It is finally staying in place, now I am just wondering how long it will take to hold on its own. :notsure:


One other thing you can do is to take one of your old nets and wrap you frag around a rock inside of the mesh of your old net and in a week or so take off the netting and there ya go your frags now attached to your rock.


New Member
i had problems getting my kenya tree to attach. after trying everything i could think of and read, i ended up with about 6 frags instead of one tree. I ended up putting small pieces of rock inside a glass and put it in a lower flow part of the aquarium. the frags were undisturbed in the glass for 4 days, and they were all attached when i checked it then.


Active Member
I use pins and rubber bands cut up as stopper. Push the cut rubber band through the pin then the pin through the frag then push the pin/frag/rubber into a rock. Now push the rubber against frag and onto the rock. Few days latter the frag is attached and pull the pin out.
I found this to work best for me


I had the same problems with my colt and kenya, they would not attatch with rubberbands for a week. Finally just glued the kenya down and it opened up in a day and already has grown within two weeks.
I put the colt in a pocket of my live rock and set a rock on top of a piece of it, it is opened and looks great, but still wont attach :mad:
think I am going to put some rock rubble in a tupperware and put the coral in it for a few days like fraggin' mushrooms, when it attatches to the pieces of rock I will glue it to piece of live rock in the tank