Which Of These Would A Zebra Moray Try To Eat?


Well after being tuned in on how agressive tessalata morays are I have decided to go with a Zebra, but I know they are a invert eater. Which of these tanks mates might it try to eat?
Fish Would be:
1 Volitan Lion
2 Hippo Tangs
1 Yellow Tang
Maybe other but those for sure.
Clean up crew:
10 Testrea Snails
12 Zebra Turbo Snails
1 Spider Conch
2 Tonga Nassarrius Snails
1 Red Brittle Star
1 Harlequin Serpent Star
10 Blue Leg Hermits
10 Red Leg Hermits
1 Arrow Crab
1 Emerald Crab
1 Ruby Emerald Crab
3 Horseshoe Crabs
2 Purple Urchins
Which would he try to eat?


Probably the ruby crab, emerald crab, arrow crab, and possibly the tangs, but it could be a while down the road before it trys that.


It's very rare that a Zebra Moray eats a fish. I kept a 3.5' one with tiny gobies and there was never an issue. If you keep them well fed they are actually very docile. Mine let cleaner shrimp in his mouth and never ate one.


Although that happens often, when you get an animal like that, just don't be shocked if it does and make sure you like it more than the critters it may eat.


The three crabs mentioned are good as dead. The chances of it eating your fish are slim to none but a risk is still there. I had a 4-5 ft zebra for about a year, it never payed the slightest attention to the fish. Mine would only eat thawed shrimp or krill, using a feeder stick to make sure the triggers didn't steal the food.