Which one would you pick?


I have a 30 gallon tank with one clown in it now. I will be getting another clown fish and something else in the future. Which of these would be the best or are they all the same, matter of opinion??
1-Royal Gramma Basslet (I love this one)
2-Royal Dottyback
3-Catalina Goby (bluebanded goby)
4-Court Jester Goby (love this one)
5-Purple firefish
6-Twinspot goby


Active Member
dont get the twinspot goby. they r very hard to care for. i only need things in ur sand.


Purple firefish are gorgeous. A bit shy though... normal firefish are great. My diamond goby might be a little bit for a 29 gallon (maybe not), but he keeps the sand so clean and is so interesting to watch... there is probably a good sand-sifting goby for a tank that size.


Active Member
IMO i wouldn`t get the Catalina Goby, they are more of a colder water fish. and as stated ealier, the Twinspot goby are hard to keep alive...