which one?


New Member
I am getting some more crabs for my 30gal. i have two scar.leg. hermits already.should i get a different type(s)? if so, does anyone have any favorites?will my other two fish (damsels) pose any problems?thanks!


Active Member
I would add a few bluelegs (about 5 or so to start) and 1 or 2 emerald crabs. Your damsels shouldn't bother the crabs or vice versa. Have you thought about getting some snails?


New Member
i have some snails (3) and their are some baby snails so i will just let them grow. should i order the crabs here? will red and blue legs get along?


Don't add the blue legs... They'll most likely kill the scarlets. If you want some more hermits, go with the scarlet reef hermits.
They are also less agressive towards the snails.