Which pic has the best chance of winning a contest...


submitting something for a local reefers photo contest. only 1 submission though, so I can't decide which one has the best chance to maybe win...I like them all...


Active Member
IMO (no offense meant, just constructive criticism), the first pics is too grainy, especially along the edges. It looks like it's been over sharpened. The third pic is a bit blurry. I really like the second one.


no offense taken
what grainyness are you referring to on the first one? if it's the green polyps, then that's just actually what they look like zoomed in


Active Member
I pointed out a few of the ones that really stand out to me. If you look close, you can tell that what you are seeing is just the texture of the polyp fingers. So in that regard, it's a very good picture. However, to my eye, at first glance, it appears to be oversharpened, and that takes away from the wow factor. Wow factor is very important in contests. Depending on the amount of photography experience the other reefers in the contest have, they may see a picture that is too sharp, or they may see it for what it is - texture. It's a tough call, but #2 is also a very good photo, and with that one you take away the chance for someone to score your photo lower because it appears overly sharpened.
Did that make any sense? I participate in digital photography contests on a weekly basis, so I know what you're going though. When is the submission deadline? Take as many pics as you can before the deadline, then pick the best one. Never settle just because you got a good one - a better pic is always possible.


deadline is friday. I've been taking tons of pix.
the 2nd photo is the one that I have been thinking I'd send in but just wanted to make sure. It's an odd category cause it asks for Fish and Other Critters (fish, anemone, crabs, snails, starfish, et al) all in one.
I was wondering if they lean more towards a pic of a fish rather than a crab. anyways...no big deal. I'm not out for the prize, but mainly to show off my best pic.


LATE ENTRY...possibly...
is this one better than the emeral crab one??
(they changed the settings for attachments. now under 50k...oh man!)