Which Powerhead to get???


I need new powerheads for my 90g FOWLR. I would love all input before I purchase.
I am mot sure how old the ones I had were, they came from a yard sale, but 1 dies about 2 weeks ago now the second has gone.
would it be better to get two smaller ones or just one larger one??
Thnaks for any input.


maxi jet. If you are running a wave maker, I have found that they start up quietly, and are reliable. I have 2 of them driving a sump in my 135. They have been running 24/7 since 97.


I just ordered 2 maxi jet 900's based off of all the positive feedback that I've heard...very highly thought of. Got them on-line...far less expensive than my lfs. I added the Hydro-flo rotating wave deflectors to help move the water around a bit more...we'll see how they do. Should have them tomorrow.


I like maxijett or EIOS powerheads.... I have both plus a rio1100+ (Its okay..better than the older ones). I guess its personal and financial preference.
More is always better, you need 10-15x water changes per hour in the tank. Your call on that based on your set up.... :happyfish


As far as Maxi Jet power heads. I have two of the Maxi jet 1200's, and two of the 900's.
Through research and education more and more folks are using the Maxi jet 900's. Because they have found that the 1200's use 20 watts each, where the 900's use only 8.5 watts each. That's a staggering difference in electrical usage. As long as you have a pretty good return pump to the main tank but want just a bit more water movmenet then go with the 900's and they should do you well.


Aquaclear 802. These are great. I had them in my tank for 2 years trouble free. I had the 402's run for 3 1/2 years trouble free.


Thanks I will look into the 900's.
I had two powerheads in the tank but I think they were weak cheapo' from like walmart..
So do you think 1 900 will do??
Thanks for all the input.


I am about to run two 900s in my 25 gallon...
I'd think at least two 900s in a 90 even for fowlr. It depends on your other flow though. Generally only one powerhead isn't enough for anything but the smallest tanks(except if you have a spraybar/Closed loop) You'll have areas with little to no flow (dead spots) otherwise.
They flow 230gph each
You want around 10x flow for a fowlr(more is better in my opinion), so it would take at least 4 to equal 900gph with no other flow.