which puffer


From what I hear, the yellow belly or all yellow dog face puffers are more rare and worth more.
If that matters to some.
I select fish for their personality and I also think my dog face puffer is the handsomest in the world.
Dogface puffer all the way. You will not be unhappy, great pet.


Originally Posted by gordruls
What are you guys feeding your puffers?
My guy is finicky. I feed him raw medium to jumbo shrimp cut up into bite sized pieces. He also enjoys freshly cooked baby neck clams and I then cut that meat up.
I would also be interested to see what other folks feed their puffer. Mine is finicky. Turns his nose at just about anything.


my yellow belly is the exact opposite of our puffer. I feed mine freeze dried krill and he loves it. Also mine will eat silver sides and once i threw some mollies in my tank, to see if i could get my lion to eat, and the puffer ate one. lol
Oh and Doc, my vote is for the yellow belly's


I voted for the yellow belly they look pretty cool. But imo its all up to you concidering it will be your money and you have to look at it every day. :thinking: Hmmm second thought just get them both its just money you'll make more


Active Member
Eh, go with the New Guinea! They are such a cooling looking puffer. Seriously though, you could not go wrong with either of them.
As far as my puffer, I feed him frozen krill and squid, with a little clam and nori mixed into his diet. Lately though, I have been feeding him red crabs to try and file his ever-growing teeth down. This seems to be working fairly well so far, but it is going to take a lot of time.
Oh, and if anyone would like to try and identify what kind of puffer I have, please, feel free. I purchased it as a stars and stripes, but it is not a stars and stripes due to it having no spots anymore. A true stars and stripes puffer retains the spots on his face and on his back. This guy does not have those spots. So please, if you know what kind of puffer this is, post it! Fenner's website was not able to ID it, and I have posted it on here when I got it and I got no ID for it. This guy is about 2 years old now and still no correct name lol.