Which Pump


I'm thinking about upgrading my pumps to one or two. Any opinions on the following would help out.
1 Tunze Turbelle® Stream 6000, or
2 Tunze Turbelle NanoStream Pump 6045, or
1 Ecotech Marine Vortech Propeller Powerhead
Disregarding my tank size. I just need to know out of these three, which one/s would you pick.


Active Member
I am self professed king of cheap. Quality equipment is expensive but I always change things around and move rockwork, change layout ect. Versatility is what I look for when choosing equipment.
So I vote for the stream 6000, it just has more options. Damn the pricetag on that sucker though.
I dont know if this is going to be censored but might save some money and look at this 270109623049


yea, I saw that, thanks, I agree, it has the most options, but it's some what huge, and as mention it's a deep hole in my pocket, but i think i'm leaning towards it


Active Member
I like this board but unfortunatley they are a bit cramped about linking to other boards so I cant post. But there are alot of options out there. You check the big site classisfieds yet? No sense in buying at full price when you dotn have to.


yup, i've been doing my research for info and pricing and it has come down to these three options, hence any comments and/or opinions would help


Active Member
you already know mine so ill keep it short so I dont litter your thread but what IS the tank your putting it in? You say to disregard but the flow patterns differ greatly with lead time for the flow path length...prying minds want to know.


I run all three of your options in my frag tank I have the nano streams and in my display I run two VorTechs and one Tunze 6100. Like others said they all have their advantages and disadvantages. NanoStreams you cant dial in the flow rate but they are really small and pointable which is always nice. The VorTechs the technology is awesome, they are quite, dont add any heat to the water, you can dial in the flow you want, and they dont take up much space in the tank downside they are pricey and you cant really point them (although with how broad the flow is you dont have many deadspots). The 6100 is on a single controller which is great being able to pulse the flow, you can direct them but they are a little bulky and once you add in a controller and possibly the light cell are somewhat pricey as well (although I know that when the wireless controller comes out for the VorTechs I will be getting that which wont be light on the wallet either). None the less in my mind you cant go wrong with any of your choices benefit for your setup is that with the NanoStreams in opposite corners they can "fight" each other, if you go with the Tunze 6000 I would suggest geting a single controller which would be good to get the pulsing action, the Vortech with such a broad flow you definitely wont have any deadspots in the tank and when the controller comes out you will be able to do the same things as you can with Tunzes plus the batter backup is nice if you were to loose power so you still had some flow in the tank. All and all I guess I didnt help you get to a decision but this is what I have experiences with running all of them.


ReefForBrains- thanks for your help, i rather not just to keep the topic on the powerheads and not add in any other variables
jocoxVT- actually your post does help since you have experience with all three, your opinion of them is unbias towards one and has good points, i didn't know you couldn't change the flow rate of the nanostreams, i thought i read you could
and how does the two "fighting" each other benefit :thinking:


Two fighting each other benefit that fact that when the two streams flow hits each other it will create random flow.