which return pump?


Active Member
I have a 65, first timer for running a sump so I need some help.
The return pump will be pumping water up say 3ish or 4 ish feet.
The guy at the LFS said I should use a mag5 or mag 7.
What would you use?


Active Member
the Mag drive pumps are vary good pumps and im sure you wouldn't be disappointed.


Active Member
Any horizontal run? What about 90's, 45's, ball valves, Size of pipe, number of outlets, unions........
You want a high flow sump? Target flow is 5-10 times DT volume.
At 4 feet vertical with 1 90 and 1 union, in 3/4" pipe. 1 inlet and 1 outlet.
Mag5 280 GPH
Mag7 426 GPH
Mag9 680 GPH
Step up to 1" pipe
Mag5 297 GPH
Mag7 458 GPH
Mag9 763 GPH


Active Member
with the target flow... i have read you want 5-10 times volume flow per hour but it doesnt all have to go through the sump (this is what power heads are for)... google head loss calculator and get the one that gives you the flow you want... how big is the sump going to be??? one thing to keep in mind, you want your skimmer to be pumping at least as much as your flow rate through the sump...


Active Member
it is a 29 gal sump.
say I get a mag7, what size pump shoiuld probably be on the skimmer? or do you get a bigger skimmer?
sorry, Im a little confused


Active Member
the pump on the skimmer will depend on which skimmer you get, most of the skimmers manufacturers will recommend a pump


Active Member
well I have a skimmer.
a couple years ago I bought a 90, I never set it up but it came with a skimmer that had been ran in his sump.
I was just going to use that. I forget what kind it was... Ill have to go look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
I have a 65, first timer for running a sump so I need some help.
The return pump will be pumping water up say 3ish or 4 ish feet.
The guy at the LFS said I should use a mag5 or mag 7.
What would you use?
Your pump size will depend on the type and size of overflow you will be using. If your tank is drilled the size doesn't matter as long as you aren't returning more to the tank than it is capable of draining. If your using a HOB overflow your return pump needs to be sized from 70-100% of your HOB overflows drain rating after you subtract for headloss.