which should go first?


New Member
i really want a blond naso and a red sea sailfin tang. Which should i put in the tank first? or should i put in both at the same time? Also, how will that limit my space as far as other fish i can put in to the tank? i have a 90.


you don't have a big enough tank for those two they will fight no doubt, but if you do it anyways add them at the same time.


Active Member

Originally posted by guineawhop
you don't have a big enough tank for those two they will fight no doubt, but if you do it anyways add them at the same time.



i'd add the sailfin 1st. in my own experience and w/ friends tanks, sailfins are the wimps of tangs. so adding it 1st your giving them a head start.



Originally posted by zoocrazy
i'd add the sailfin 1st. in my own experience and w/ friends tanks, sailfins are the wimps of tangs. so adding it 1st your giving them a head start.

he shouldn't add both at all maybe one but not both, but if he wants both the best way to do it is adding them at the same time not one first and the other a few weeks down the road or even a few days.



Originally posted by G-dude
supose he were to add them both in the same day?

read over what i said right above your post it's there



Originally posted by guineawhop
he shouldn't add both at all maybe one but not both, but if he wants both the best way to do it is adding them at the same time not one first and the other a few weeks down the road or even a few days.

that's what i did w/ mine and never had any problems, plus i know the tank is too small for both. but IF he does add them I'D add the sailfin 1st so he can get a claim on the tank b/c they do get picked on.


Active Member
I beg to differ, my sailfin has harrassed my newly aquired PBT to death. Was very aggresive the moment he was put in. You never know the personality. Naso Needs lots of swimming room. In a 90? If you must get a tang why not go for a yellow or Kole?


that's why it's best to add them at teh same time. they have the same amount of time to create territories and acclimate to the tanks. if a fish has a bad attitude then obviously he's gonna pick on the other...there's just no way to tell. by adding them together you give them an equal chance