After a fairly long absence, I'm on this board again. I have a very important question. I will set up a 70 reef in a month or two. I really don't know what type of skimmer to buy. It doesn't have to be super cheap, but not over 300 bucks or so. I will not have a sump (first SW tank will be complicated enough LOL). I'm considering the following hang-ons:
Precision Marine HOT-1
AquaC Remora
AquaC Remora Pro
I'm really not sure. Is there a freestanding model that would be good for a 70? I've heard great praises for PM's BULLET skimmer. Would a skimmer like that be overkill for a 70? Help me pleeeeese.
Precision Marine HOT-1
AquaC Remora
AquaC Remora Pro
I'm really not sure. Is there a freestanding model that would be good for a 70? I've heard great praises for PM's BULLET skimmer. Would a skimmer like that be overkill for a 70? Help me pleeeeese.