Which tang would YOU choose?...


Im not waiting for adding a tang last anymore... I want one in there now! ;) theres too much macro for me to be pulling out and my flame angel doesnt do much of a job...
I have low lighting, and the razor caulp grows these long strands that wave around and get stuck on everything... they always hit my colt and it shrivels up. I dont use a sump or refugium, so this is the only place for it
its a 90 gallon with ~140lbs LR... Flame Angel, Royal Gramma, and every other type of invert you can think of. And a mantis shrimp that has NEVER hurt an invert, only my fire goby and mandarin. I think they got too close to its territory. Its been fine for a while, and Ive tried everything... It may be in a rock in another tank that was just taken out... Im letting it sit for a while before I stick my hand in. :|
Anyways, I wanted a *peaceful* tang [oxymoron? ;) ]
I originally wanted a pb, but I dont think 2 tangs would go well in a 90... we'll see
what would you add now? what species could live their whole lives in a 90 and eat a lot of veggies?
Drew :)

tru conch

Active Member
i agree with jw. i would go with a kole tang, they tend to be less aggressive towards other fish and the kole does a good job at eating algae.


kole tangs are great fish. most tangs can't live their entire lives inside a 90 gal tank. the best tang i ever had for munching on macro algea was a Naso tang. it flat took the algea out. it was amazing to watch. unfortunately this fish are hard to keep, need good water conditions and are quite finiky about life and living. PB and PBR tangs are beautiful fishies but they die very easily IMO. while yes it is possible to keep a tnag in a 90, after a year or 2 it is just going to get big. cept for a yellow, or a kole. ( i think.) good luck


Active Member
Sail Fin tangs are good graers. I Have a Sail Fin and a Clown Tang in my 180. The clown tang is very good looking but does not graze as much as the sailfin..


i buy caulerpa for my purple tang all the time.. he loves it.. a good hand full will normally only last him a couple of days.. (he's Fat)..he's a pretty hardy fish and very beautiful.. all the tangs that have been listed so far are all perfect choices..just thought i'd give you my insight.


Active Member
if you are looking for the mmore peaceful of tangs, go with either a koles or convict(they will also accept other tangs)
ps, jsut noting the other tangs, b/c this is often where the aggressiveness comes in with tangs, either other tangs, or most fish added after them, more so than normal outright aggressiveness,and these 2 nrmally aren't a prob there


Active Member
Stick with one tang and I would go with the great looking PB. Great fish. Make sure you take your time and get a healthy specimen that is at least 4 inches. Would not mail order this beauty. Good luck.