Which test kits?


Active Member
Which test kits do you use?
I have Hagen which uses bottles which are dripped into water sample. I find it v difficult to get accurate reading.
I have noticed people saying their Ph is 8.3 - It is really hard to check the results against the colour chart for me to get such an accurate reading as this!!!

nm reef

Active Member
For ease of use...availability...and accuracy I'd suggest Salifert tests. I agree the color chart on the Hagen PH test is very difficult to determine accurately.:cool:


Active Member
I use one called Saltwater Master liquid test kit, and I HATE it, its the same thing you said and some: to get an accurate reading on the PH, amon., and trAtes is too hard. I will say that the trItes are easy with this one, and thats it!


All test kits are frustrating. Taking your water to the LFS is not always a good idea either, because you usually have some 5.00 an hour kid using the same tests, and how accurate is that?
We use a combination of the Red Sea test kits and the salifert tests.
We use the Red Sea for Ammonia, calcium, and KH. We use the Saliferts for Nitrate, Nitrite, ph, and phosphate. We use a refractometer for SG.
After trying them all, these are the best for each job in our opinion. Its tough reading them sometimes, but you get a feel for it after a while. Good luck!


Active Member
I use fasTest for my basics and it is easy to use, easy to read, and when compared to a digital scale (at the Univ. bio lab) they are dead on. The major drawback is that some tests take up to 20 min.


Active Member
Nitrate ( high range 0-100mg/l )
I use FasTest by Aquarium Systems - easy to use
Nitrate ( medium range 0-10mg/l & low range 0-1.0mg/l )
Phosphate ( high range 0-5mg/l & low range 0-1.0mg/l )
I use SeaTest by Aquarium Systems - easy to use
Iodine/ Iodate
I use Salifert - very clear results
S.G. / Salinity
Swing arm, floating hydrometer & refractometer

madd catt

I use tetratec test kits and seem to work well but i understand that salifert and lamott test kits are more acurate and a little more expensive