Which Trigger?

it's chuck

I recently purchased a fuzzy dwarf lion but since putting him in the tank have decided it is not a good fit. I like him a lot and he is beautiful fish but if I leave him in there he will starve. My SFE and red corris have become much more aggressive feeders since I had my last lion and they engulf any food I put in the tank almost instantly leaving the fuzzy no chance to eat. So I have decided to take him back and set up another tank later for a fuzzy and a fu-manchu later. Since I no longer and putting a lion in my main tank I would like to get a trigger. Right now I have a SFE, a red corris wrasse, and a yellow tang in a 55 (I had a bluespot toby that died a couple weeks ago it swam into a modded maxijet 1200). I was wanting a niger but my LFS has a little picasso I like quite a bit also. I already have a 100G(60x18x20) that is being setup so they will be moving to that in a couple monthes along with a harlequin tusk and maybe a goldstriped maroon clown. So my question is with tank size and stock list in mind is one of the two a better fit than the other?


Active Member
Originally Posted by It's Chuck
I recently purchased a fuzzy dwarf lion but since putting him in the tank have decided it is not a good fit. I like him a lot and he is beautiful fish but if I leave him in there he will starve. My SFE and red corris have become much more aggressive feeders since I had my last lion and they engulf any food I put in the tank almost instantly leaving the fuzzy no chance to eat. So I have decided to take him back and set up another tank later for a fuzzy and a fu-manchu later. Since I no longer and putting a lion in my main tank I would like to get a trigger. Right now I have a SFE, a red corris wrasse, and a yellow tang in a 55 (I had a bluespot toby that died a couple weeks ago it swam into a modded maxijet 1200). I was wanting a niger but my LFS has a little picasso I like quite a bit also. I already have a 100G(60x18x20) that is being setup so they will be moving to that in a couple monthes along with a harlequin tusk and maybe a goldstriped maroon clown. So my question is with tank size and stock list in mind is one of the two a better fit than the other?
I'm a little confused (normal for me); but if you're asking if a niger or picasso would do better in your 100 gal, I don't think it matters. These fish both have similar needs and dispositions and either should do well; just get the one you like. Just don't keep them long in the 55.


Many will have differing opinions, owning a picasso myself I would tell you to get him instead of the Niger. Although the nigers have a melower reputation, they do get quite large. The picasso is a notoriously slow grower and I think if he is your last addition he would do well. But you do have to prepare for the specimen that is a killer and be willing to take him back to the store.

it's chuck

My question was with tank size and stock list in mind(SFE, red corris wrasse, YT, Harly, and possibly a goldstripe maroon clown) would one be a better choice than the other? From what I had read they seamed be fairly simular but I figured I would tap the pool of knowledge I have here at my disposal. My LFS said I can just trade the fuzzy for either the niger or the picasso. I Guess I'll just wait until tuesday when the niger comes in and see which one I like better.


I have both, I like the picasso better because it has alot more personality, but I think with that mix I would go with the niger...my niger is much less aggresive out of the two. I have no doubt my picasso would destroy a goldstripe maroon. I have one of those (GSM) as well, in with my niger. It can all be luck of the draw though...you could be looking at a very docile picasso, and a very aggressive niger
. Most times this is not the case however.


I have both and I have to warn you that Nigers strongly dislike clowns like the maroon clown you're thinking of getting. My Niger pretty much shredded a larger maroon to pieces. So I think you should get the picasso.


Active Member
I have owned both, I would tend to say my Nigers have had more personality, but thats apples to oranges and they are both great fish. I would do the Huma just due to your tank size. I also think Nigers tend to be more aggressive adults.

it's chuck

do picasso's tend to be more active or are they about the same? Also I have read that the niger's color gets better as they get older is this true; and what about picasso's, does their color brighten or fade as they age?


Active Member
Originally Posted by It's Chuck
do picasso's tend to be more active or are they about the same? Also I have read that the niger's color gets better as they get older is this true; and what about picasso's, does their color brighten or fade as they age?
Niger's color do tend to get better as they age IMO. Huma's are very active, always patrolling the tank looking for their owner for their next meal. They dig in the sand, move any rock they can lift and are quite entertaining (as are Nigers). I would tend to say their colors will stay about the same.


Active Member
go with the picasso due to slower growth rate and smaller adult size. if you have ever seen a 16" niger you would agree


Good call
. I was not thinking about the potential size of the fish. In that regards I would definately go with the huma, and just hope it is not like mine
I have had a few huma's in my time, and the current is by far the most aggressive. I have had some pretty mild ones.

it's chuck

how fast do nigers grow?(inches per year), how much slower do Humu's grow? I know nigers can grow up to 15-16inches but how big do they normally get(the biggest I've ever seen was 8-9inches and he was 6 years old), and the same with the Humu?


Originally Posted by It's Chuck
how fast do nigers grow?(inches per year), how much slower do Humu's grow? I know nigers can grow up to 15-16inches but how big do they normally get(the biggest I've ever seen was 8-9inches and he was 6 years old), and the same with the Humu?
they will probley never grow to full size in a tank


Originally Posted by It's Chuck
how fast do nigers grow?(inches per year), how much slower do Humu's grow? I know nigers can grow up to 15-16inches but how big do they normally get(the biggest I've ever seen was 8-9inches and he was 6 years old), and the same with the Humu?
Nigers grow a lot faster than Humus. The humu is one of the slowest growing triggers.

it's chuck

Yup I got the Picasso last night. I knew the picasso was the better fit but I liked the niger more(even though they grow faster and get too big for my current tanks). My Impacience was actually a good thing for once!
I went in last night to look at the niger and picasso and choose and turned out the niger didn't come in this week so I was was gonna have to wait a week for the niger to come in. So luckily my impacience gave me the extra little push I needed to make the right choice