it's chuck
I recently purchased a fuzzy dwarf lion but since putting him in the tank have decided it is not a good fit. I like him a lot and he is beautiful fish but if I leave him in there he will starve. My SFE and red corris have become much more aggressive feeders since I had my last lion and they engulf any food I put in the tank almost instantly leaving the fuzzy no chance to eat. So I have decided to take him back and set up another tank later for a fuzzy and a fu-manchu later. Since I no longer and putting a lion in my main tank I would like to get a trigger. Right now I have a SFE, a red corris wrasse, and a yellow tang in a 55 (I had a bluespot toby that died a couple weeks ago it swam into a modded maxijet 1200). I was wanting a niger but my LFS has a little picasso I like quite a bit also. I already have a 100G(60x18x20) that is being setup so they will be moving to that in a couple monthes along with a harlequin tusk and maybe a goldstriped maroon clown. So my question is with tank size and stock list in mind is one of the two a better fit than the other?