Which Triggers?????


New Member
I currently have 2 damsels,percular clown,yellow tang,koran angel,choc chip star,snails. Im getting a niger trigger and thought of either a picasso or a small clown trigger. What do you think?:thinking: :happyfish whoops forgot to say it`s a 120 gal. tank


Active Member
You definitely do not want an aggressive trigger in the tank. The niger is your best bet. You could even go with a blue throat if you wanted to. They are not too bad, but the niger is definitely the most peaceful of the triggers.


Yes i agree. The niger are not completely reef safe but no trigs are. In my expierence the nigers are the calmest. Some people say the huma huma are but they have always been pretty nasty ( at least the ones I have had)

bean 1

I've heard that pinktail triggers may even be a little better than nigers for a system that has inverts as long as the inverts are introduced prior to the trigger. They are also a less likely to dig in the substrate or rearrange your rockwork. I researched the species when I was planning on setting up my aggressive tank but haven't purchased one as of yet. Did see a nice one at the fish store and more in atlanta that I almost purchased. It is a very beautiful fish!!! I've heard that 3 of the better triggers include the niger, pinktail and bluethroat mentioned above. There are one or two others but I can't remember their names off hand.Good luck with your decision!


These triggers are some of the most peaceful, and most of these can kept in reefs with caution to shrimp, small fish etc. (I have a bluejaw myself):


Active Member
My choice would be the blue jaw. All those listed by Otradnoje would be a good choice, but keep in mind size. You have a 120, and in the long run space will be an issue. The blue throats don't get nearly as big as the nigers, and I think would be a more suitable tankmate for your current inhabitants.


Crosshatch and Niger triggers are my favorite. Though I have never seen a Crosshatch for sale, they look awesome.


I've had a lot of experience with triggers and based on that I would say your good to go with a Bluethroat Trigger. They are very, very peaceful in my opinion. I've heard Pinktails are nice too. As for nigers.. they can be good, but I've catch them with their "fin" in the hermit crab jar if you know what I'm saying.
A Picasso or Clown will tear apart your chocolate chip star. Small Clown Triggers have high mortality rates. If they do grow up, they are not the best citizens and would probably have a bloody rule in your tank.
Hope this helps.