which type of external over?


i was looking on the 2 docs site and want to know which is best to get, the CS overflow with aqualifter, the esshopps u tube over flow (has no opening on the top of u tube for a aqualifter, or the B and R u-tube overflow which has an opening at the top of the u-tube for an aqualifter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by johnnyd
i was looking on the 2 docs site and want to know which is best to get, the CS overflow with aqualifter, the esshopps u tube over flow (has no opening on the top of u tube for a aqualifter, or the B and R u-tube overflow which has an opening at the top of the u-tube for an aqualifter.
I have two Eshopps u-tube overflows. I like them and are easy to clean the u-tubes with a bottle brush. I don't have any experience with the others you listed, sorry...


Active Member
As long as you choose a U-tube style overflow brand doesn't make much difference, just steer clear of the CPR style overflows that use the aqualifter pump to maintain the syphon. The aqualifter pumps aren't all that reliable and most of these overflows have pinholes that allow air to leak in the u-tube causing them to lose syphon. I did finally see an Eshopps overflow the other day in person and it looked like it was well built.


Originally Posted by natclanwy
As long as you choose a U-tube style overflow brand doesn't make much difference, just steer clear of the CPR style overflows that use the aqualifter pump to maintain the syphon. The aqualifter pumps aren't all that reliable and most of these overflows have pinholes that allow air to leak in the u-tube causing them to lose syphon. I did finally see an Eshopps overflow the other day in person and it looked like it was well built.
the cpr looked better IMO and better built, i read you have to keep the AL clean and the air hole it plugs into then you should be fine. on the u-tube if air builds up theres no way to get it out with out restarting the siphon right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by johnnyd
the cpr looked better IMO and better built, i read you have to keep the AL clean and the air hole it plugs into then you should be fine. on the u-tube if air builds up theres no way to get it out with out restarting the siphon right?
The problem with the CPR overflows and the other knockoffs is they rely on the aqua lifter pump to maintain the syphon. Because of their design the water traveling through the oveflow does not have enough velocity to carry any trapped air out of the U-tube so they want you to use the aqualifter to pump out the trapped air bubbles. These overflows are also prone to leaking they don't drip water when they are running but during a power outage it allows air to enter the overflow causing the syphon to break. With the one that I had it would lose its syphon in about 15 minutes so when the power came back on the aqualifter would have to restart the siphon from scratch and could not get it done before my return pump would overflow the DT it wouldn't overflow much just a few ounces but that was too much for me. Then on top of it all the aqualifter pump is not the most reliable piece of equipment it is generally reccomended that if you buy one buy two because it is eventually going to fail it may go a month or a couple of years (I don't think I have heard of anyone having one last 2 years) but it will fail. Then like you had heard you can get salt creep on the airline fitting and inside the airline which would stop the aqualifter from pulling the air out. Just too many things that can go wrong.
With a correctly setup U-tube overflow you will never get air trapped in the tube. If you are getting air trapped in the U-tube it means that your return pump is too small or is restricted too much either way you are not returning enough water to the DT to maintain the siphon and carry any trapped bubbles out of the U-tube. As long as you maintain your pump and clean the U-tube periodically they will run without issue for years.
I believe the overflow that I have is a Lifereef and it has been fine, the Eshopps is built a little better and is the cheapest overflow that I have seen.


Originally Posted by johnnyd
has any 1 heard of lifereef u tube overlfows supposly there really good.
I have had the lifereef model for close to 2 yrs now and haven't had it stop once. Othen then when i pull the U tube to clean it. I did have a cpr before that and it was fine until the al quit when i was out of town and my neighbor who was watching the tank couldn't fix it. I was away for 10 days this past sept. and with the lifereef the tank was fine. Ato worked flawsly and the only thing my neighbor had to do was make sure everything was running the and the auto feeder had food in it.


ok im prob gonna get a 90 AGA with megaflow over flow, my question for these are: will the siphon stop when the power goes out, and restart on its own self prime? do i need to drill a siphon break on the return line of these? thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by johnnyd
ok im prob gonna get a 90 AGA with megaflow over flow, my question for these are: will the siphon stop when the power goes out, and restart on its own self prime? do i need to drill a siphon break on the return line of these? thanks.
Your okay with a Reef Ready they don't stop unless something actually blocks the pipe or grate on the Mega-Overflow. The only other way to get a tank to overflow is to overdrive flow rate on the return - too big of pump. I have a 75 using Eshopps overflows and a 120 AGA reef ready. I have had my grate start to block and cause a little drip down the front of the tank - a toothbrush takes care of it very easily.