Which wire splicers are best for DIY lighting?


patrick g.

Which wire connectors should I use when hooking up my dual MH + dual VHO lighting?Something like this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

or something different?


patrick it really depends on what the situation is. The first ones are usually used to tap into an existing line. I would use these because they look the best when you are finished. Wrap them in electrical tape to water proof them. If you have 2 wires that you are connecting use the wire nuts. That is what they are for. The long cylindrical piece is harder to use. But, if you find them with heat shrink tubing around the outside they will work well to water proof any splices. I have a lot of experience with this sort of stuff. Let me know if you need any more help. I am currently working on a new DIY VHO setup and a new MH setup.


Active Member
I prefer the blue ones - very easy to work with, not cumbersome or bulky when done. Then wrap the connection in electrical tape and your set. I've use that method when wiring aux lights on my truck - never had any problems. As you can see, I've got a lot of lights, so this is a proven method for me.