Which would you pick


Active Member
I am getting geared to set up my 150 gal. Reef. I hope to have it up by aug, so i am getting everything in order.
which combo would you pick
1 sailfin a, 1 yellow and 1 hippo tang or
3 yellow or
do you think thats too many tangs. if so i would at lease like the sailfin or yellow with a hippo
my current fish will also be added
1 eng goby
1 royal gramma
2 fp clowns
1 clown gobie
1 bi-color blenny
1 valintini puffer


I would stay away from the sailfin and yellow combo. From what I've read, like shaped tangs might become aggressive towards each other.


Active Member
Sailfin will get too big. I like the 3 yellow idea. By the way, that valentini may not be a good choice for a reef set up. Likely to pick on shrimp, snails and crabs.
Good Luck with the new set up.


I'm not trying to disagree with Piscian, but my brother has the hippo, yellow and salfin in a 120 and they all get along fine. The variety of color looks good too. 3 Yellows would look nice also.


Active Member
Thanks jumpfish, but i have researched this fish, and there are several people here that have them in thier reefs. He has only been in there about a month, but so far it hasnt really bothered anything. they are a very small puffer and i keep it well fed.