whirlpool effect???

I was surfing through the boards and came across some info. given to someone on the placement of powerheads. It was said that the ph's shouldnt be placed in such a manner as to create a "whirlpool effect". I do have my filtration set up in such a manner which it circulates in a clockwise manner. Should I change this pattern into something less revolving? I was always under the impression that this is the correct set up. Opinions are appreciated.


Powerheads should be places so that they create a random current. It is best to aim them at each other or at walls or in a way that they don't create a linear current.


Is there a such thing as too many powerheads? How many do you all reccomend for a 55? I want to eventually keep anenomies, corals and very few fish.


Active Member
probably @3, as far as too many, that more depends on your gph, for most tanks you want a total (all pumps combined) of 10 x your gallonage per hour(minimum), but many reefers actually go beyond that, even as high as 20x
in your case, a minimum of 550 gph or even up to 1100(or a bit more)gph, the more heads you use, the more dead spots you can eliminate