whisper filter


My boyfriend was given a 29g equiped with a whisper filter and I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with these filters? I only use millienium filters on my tanks so I don't know if the whisper filters are any good or not.


This one is a 40. It's going to be pretty much a FOWLR. He wants to get a few shrimp and an urchin too, just no corals or anything. He doesn't have a skimmer, just the whisper filter.


Active Member
the brand is not a bad brand, basic filterationunits . if its good for your system or not i guess depends on what other filtration you are using and what model number it is.


Originally Posted by ivy2dw7
This one is a 40. It's going to be pretty much a FOWLR. He wants to get a few shrimp and an urchin too, just no corals or anything. He doesn't have a skimmer, just the whisper filter.
must have posted a split second after I did.


Active Member
well if you plan on doing LOTS of water changes and keep very close attention to your tank yes you will be fine. But IMO its not enough filtration on its own.
A skimmer has nothing to do with a REEF tank. It is just as benifical to a FO tank as it is to a Reef tank. IMO it can be even more needed in a FO tank then a reef because fish can be so dirty and most FO tanks dont have the added filtration of all the live rock that a reef does.


Active Member
The hang on back filters are mostly used for 2 things water flow and to run carbon. I have converted mine in to a mini refurgium with sponges as such to hold bacteria. I would still get a skimmer live rock and live sand before I started getting live stuff.