Whisper filter


New Member
I just bought a new 120 gallon from a friend of mine and he had a Whisper filter system on it it is a whisper 5 it only supportes 100 gallons of filtration, he also had a undergravel filter system along with it. and that was it. But my real question is he used this filtration for a freash water tank, I'm going to set up a saltwater tank and it will also be a reef tank, so is this filtration ok for saltwater and is it enough filtration for 120 gallon tank?? Any suggestions would be helpfull, I'm thinking the filtration is ok to use with saltwater and the reef set up, but I'm not sure if it's enough.


This I'm afraid will be completely inadequate for a reef. Reef needs the best, and whisper is not even close. You need a wet/dry and a skimmer. If you change your mind and go fish only you can get a way with some other less expensive options, but for a reef you have to do it right, right from the start. (this I've learned after reading countless posts on this topic in this board)