white anemone crab died


New Member
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me with some information. We have a 26 FOLRLS we are changing to reef. we have currently a sebae anemone, cleaner shrimp, 2 fire fish, purple fan gorgonian, and 2 nassarius(sp) snails.
Water tests done show no amo, ph 8.4, nitrite 0, Nitrate was 5. doing water changes to get the nitrates down.
Our anemone crab was living in our anemone for a little over a month now and seemed just fine, then 2 days ago he shed his old shell, we thought this was great that he was growing. Then this morning we found him dead. He was still soft and squishy. Everything else in tank looks great, anemone deflated when the crab was scooped out but is back to normal now.
What could have happened to him? We do direct feedings to each animal in the tank, add micro vert, live brine, calcium, cyclopezee, and iodine. Not every day on all of them.
could he have starved to death? or maybe something got him while he was still soft from the shedding? I want to understand what happened because I love these guys. :help:


I used to have a white porcelain crab that I thought was pretty cool, had him for over a year when he finally died/or was killed, I never knew.
He used to catch zooplankton that I added to the tank, that and the natural plankton which the tank produced, or from the DT's or Kents phyto additions. So I knew he got plenty to eat.
In your case what about alkalinity and calcium?, also important with inverts around.
Are you sure he was dead? I wonder if you were simply lucky enough to find him before any of the other cleanup crew did. I also wonder why the anemone didn't either consume or simply evict him from his central disk if it were dead.


New Member
I didnt do the actual removal , husband did. He was out in front of the anemone a bit on the sand upside down, hubby said with no legs too.Alk is good but never tested for calcium, we took water to lfs they said all was good but Nitrate. Not sure if they checked calc or not will go get a test for it.