White Around Clown's Mouth

I noticed last night that my Ocellaris clown had white around his mouth, my first thought was "oh GREAT" he has ick. But then a friend told me that clowns get some kind of mouth disease. My questions are: how do I know if it's ick or this mouth disease. And how do I treat it? I have a 12 gallon nano set up since 1-2-03 and I do not have a QT tank.
I don't want to loose him.


Active Member
well, beth would be the best one to ask this, They are a bit busy in the disease forum right now, but I am sure that they would be the best ones to help you out.
We'll move this over there for you now.


Staff member
Is the white just a change in color of the natural pigment, or are you noticing it looking disfigured, or raised-swollen? How is the fish eating and behaving?
Can you post a pic?
Thanks Beth,
The white looked somewhere between discolored and Ick, but is only around his mouth. He seams totally fine, acually last night when I put in his pinch of food he was so hungry he ate them off the surface, he never does that!!
I just called home to ask my husband to take a picture of the Clown and he said all the white is gone around his mouth, he said he looks great. So I guess he's okay.


Staff member
Don't count our fish fin blessing yet. Keep an eye on it. Add garlic to the fish food...preferably you're offering more than flaked foods.
Thanks Beth, the clown still has no signs of the white around his mouth or any where else. But I have another question for ya, I bought a Yellow Clown Goby last weekend and he has not eaten a thing in the week I've had him. He's loosing his color (very pale) and his stomack looks sunken in. I have tried flake food, tiny little pellet food and frozen mysis shrimp. I've tried soaking the flake in garlic and tried soaking the shrimp in vitamins. The food will be litterally hitting him in the head and he woun't eat a peice!!!! The is the worst thing I've ever seen, I mean he's just starving him self to death!!!! Why would he do this and what can I do to try and save his little yellow life?