White blotches on Green Chromis


I have noticed white discoloration on my green chromis. It looks like it is white blotches around his back end. It does not look like Ich. He was in Hypo for a month due to an ich outbreak. He is eating well and still seems quiet active. Any clues


Staff member
Are these blotchs just like faded patches? If so, that is common for chromis. It is a signal of stress. Do you have other chromis?


I did have five but 4 succumbed to the ich outbreak. I set up the qt tank in time to save him and my two clowns. I guess he needs two more to make school of three. Is that what you recommend?
Water conditions are good but I have a nasty yellowtail in there that might be stressing him out.


Staff member
Chromis are not going to do too well by thereself. After you finish up the QT with these fish, go ahead a get at least 1 more. I have found that they do pick on each other, but 2 will usually pair up and get along.