White Bubble Coral?


Active Member
One of LFS has a couple of white bubble corals. They're extended and I don't see any tissue recession. I'm just wondering about the "white." I don't mean a little white. I'm talking complete lack of color.
Is this thing healthy you think? Shouldn't there be some zooanthella present?
I have seen a bunch of nice looking white ones around here. I want to get one but I personally was looking for one with a little more green look to it. I think htey just come in different colors and if that one looks good it should be ok.


From what I understand, the white is more common although the green are more desireable. Just cause people like green corals. My LFS carries white bubbles almost exclusively. Just be sure that you have enough room for it, all the ones I have seen are very aggressive to any other corals near them. Good Luck and post a pic after you guy!