white bubbles???

duece biga

New Member
i have alot of these little white bubbles in my tank. Ive heard here an there that this is what pods is? Also i got to looking at my clown trigger today and hes got them all over him. Can these things stick to him or could this be ick? im not forsure what ick looks like. He seems to be doing fine an hes eating an sleepin well just has little white bubbles all over him. :help:


Active Member
Are they actual bubbles? With pods, you can tell they're little creatures. But if they are bubbles, you'll need to figure out the source and try and fix it. Sometimes it can be a powerhead with trapped air in it, in which case you'd need to turn it upside down and shake it underwater to get the air out. A few bubbles in a tank is alright, but I don't think bubbles should be sticking to your fish (if that is indeed what they are). :)

duece biga

New Member
yea most the bubbles is coming from my powerhead. when i turn it off they mostly go away,but still a few there from the skilter/skimmer. The clown trigger is not scratching or anything he just has little white dots on him. I also have a blue damsel in the tank an he doesnt have anything on him... The powerhead i have on the tank is actually for a underground filter but i dont have any tubes connected to the bottom of it because i have no underground filter????


Active Member
Did you take off the tube that is meant to be used with a UGF? I have a powerhead that came with an attachment that pumps bubbles into the tank, but you have to take it off so it won't do that. I'm not entirely sure what kind of powerhead you have, so if I were you I'd mess around with it a bit.
When you say your trigger has white dots, are they actual dots that look like salt or bubbles? If they're salt-like grains, your trigger probably has ich. Also, if you have the trigger in a 46 gallon, I'm afraid that tank is too small for him. He'll need a tank of around 125 gallons because he grows to over a foot and a half long.

duece biga

New Member
they look like little white bubbles because of all the bubbles thats blowing around in the tank from the powerhead. if this is ich will the trigger be acting differently i havent noticed him doing any scratching or anything out of the ordinary. As far as the powerhead, its suppose to be connected with a underground filter but i do not have the UGF in the tank so therefore the PowerHead is just hanging from the top of the tank. If i have trapped air do i need to turn it off an the turn it upside down or leave it going an turn it upside down an do i do this in the water or out?


Active Member
I don't think it really matters. I did it with mine on. Just don't point it at the surface or at something you don't want it pointed at. :)
I really, really strongly advise you to take your trigger back. He will never be happy in a tank that size. He will only get bigger and outgrow it even more. Remember--the creatures always come first in this hobby. Their happiness before yours. After all, their lives are in your hands, and as a fellow hobbyist, I really hope that you would want the best for them. :happyfish

duece biga

New Member
Ok i think im gonna take him back sometime in the next day or two but i have to get this off of him before i do so. So i called the store an they suggested dipping him in fresh water for 30 seconds to cure him ( does this sound alittle out there or will it work ) i also have a blue damsel in the tank an i dont see anything on him but they said that damsels are hardy fish an usually dont get it??:help:


Active Member
A freshwater dip will not cure ich. You will need to set up a QT and do hyposalinity or administer copper (never do these in your main tank).

duece biga

New Member
ok i went to the pet store and they will not take the trigger back they said he is too expensive and not many people want him "imagine that" but anyways they told me to buy this medication called SULFATHIAZOLE an they said i can put it in my main tank with live rock and everything for the ich.:notsure:


Active Member
They wouldn't take him back, even for store credit? Geez, what a lousy store.
Don't add that med to your tank. I don't know what the problem is with fish stores, but they always insist on telling people meds are safe in tanks when they're not. Sulfa meds kill beneficial bacteria (the reason why you have your LR) and often times inverts. As I have previously stated, the most effective way to rid your trigger of ich is to place him in a quarantine tank under hyposalinity or with copper.