white bump on imperator


i have a juvi imperator who has just tonight (i have noticed) developed a raised white bump (only one) in i'd say about the middle of his lateral line,it's maybe no more than 1mm-2mm across. it could possibly be a scar as he does like to slide his way under the live rock or maybe from feeding time (can get pretty dangerous). also noticed some pieces missing from his tail (bites most likely from my blue spot puffer)although i know they aren't a concern. i can't get a photo as i can't find my camera. i will keep an eye on the bump but thought i'd post to make sure.
none of my other fish have developed any spots or bumps so hopefully just a scar.
levels are
ammonia 25
trite 0
trate 20
ph 8
i had a piece of live rock fall (the one with my BTA attached) so i had to quickly rearrange my aquascape causing my levels to raise slightly but have been doing partial water changes to try and bring them down. my sump will be getting delivered this week sometime too.
did you want a list of tankmates too? or is that irrelevant at this stage?


yeah it looks the same (from what i can tell) but i have had the angel for 2 weeks now and he has been eating fine and defending etc. fed them tonight and he ate ok. i noticed the spot after feeding and also noticed the tail fin bites so hopefully its just a wound. keep me posted on your goby and how he is going.


i read in another post that ich usually develops on tails and fins first. is this correct? if so there is no sign of them on his tail of fins. also nothing on the other fish either but i'll definately be monitoring it religiously


Originally Posted by apolyom
i read in another post that ich usually develops on tails and fins first. is this correct? if so there is no sign of them on his tail of fins. also nothing on the other fish either but i'll definately be monitoring it religiously
Yes, fins and tail are the usual "Hot Spots" for ich to show it's ugly face. Keep a close eye on him. It may be nothing. Keep us posted on this!!


well i had another look tonight and it appears the bump is slightly more protruding. and i think there was another on on his head. also on the same side it looks like he has a graze type thing on his face. would an anenome sting do anything like this?
none of my other fish have any spots or bumps


there is maybe 2 more (looks like salt) along the same side on his ventral line
any ideas? i suppose this is ich


Originally Posted by apolyom
there is maybe 2 more (looks like salt) along the same side on his ventral line
any ideas? i suppose this is ich
It does sound like it. Do you have a picture of him?


nah i havent got a pic sorry i will get batteries soon though.
i am getting ready to transfer him to my HT then follow with the others tomorrow and over the next few days as my new tank is coming in 2 days so i need to empty the one i have now to get it out of the way. and i might as well treat all my fish with hypo just to save myself trouble with the new tank. it will need to cycle anyway so its not goingto hurt. and another thing with hypo..... can u leave some LR in? i know it will be killed but other than that will it cause any problems?


Originally Posted by apolyom
nah i havent got a pic sorry i will get batteries soon though.
i am getting ready to transfer him to my HT then follow with the others tomorrow and over the next few days as my new tank is coming in 2 days so i need to empty the one i have now to get it out of the way. and i might as well treat all my fish with hypo just to save myself trouble with the new tank. it will need to cycle anyway so its not goingto hurt. and another thing with hypo..... can u leave some LR in? i know it will be killed but other than that will it cause any problems?
I realy would not leave the rock in if you don't have to. Whatever creatures that are in it will all die. That is a waste of expensive rock to me.


well the bio hasnt really established itself yet so i think i'd have to leave it in. the pieces have no inverts etc on them.... they are my bare low quality pieces (except for a bit of coraline growth) but i'd rather my very expensive fish survive than my moderately expensive rock. once hypo is finished it would be safe to put the rock back in my dt wouldnt it?


Originally Posted by apolyom
well the bio hasnt really established itself yet so i think i'd have to leave it in. the pieces have no inverts etc on them.... they are my bare low quality pieces (except for a bit of coraline growth) but i'd rather my very expensive fish survive than my moderately expensive rock. once hypo is finished it would be safe to put the rock back in my dt wouldnt it?
Yes, the bacteria on them will live and once hypo is done they would be safe to put back in (I would leave the rock in for 3 more weeks after you pull your fish out just to be absolutey certain). You may have a little die off though if something is alive on them other than algae and bacteria. Shake the rock well before pulling it out of the dt.


shall do
will keep a report of the angels progress.... fingers crossed he survives (wasnt a cheap fish)


well i moved him from my DT to my QT and ammo lock'ed it which was lucky as ammo went up to 1.0 but good thing is nitrates went down from 20 to 5
ph is 8.4 and nitrites are 0
angel is picking food off the LR i have in there and swimming and breathing fine. will do a partial water change either tonight or tomorrow to try and bring it down.
i am acclimatising my blue spot puffer to put in with him as i am getting a new tank delivered tomorrow and my main tank now has to be emptied asap as water got into the cheap a** mdf stand and warped it thus leaving one corner of my tank sitting about 2mm off the base of the stand.
figured i might as well upgrade to something quality while i have to dismatle my tank.
i will start hypo once all my fish are in the QT


on closer inspection i think he also may have the beginning signs of hlle. how can i combat this problem? also is it a disease that can be beaten?


Originally Posted by apolyom
on closer inspection i think he also may have the beginning signs of hlle. how can i combat this problem? also is it a disease that can be beaten?
Hlle is cured by keeping the water parameters ideal (no ammonia, nitrite, very little nitrate, stable ph and temp) and by keeping their diet varied and nutritious. Soak all foods in vitamines and fresh garlic to boost their(his) immune system.


Well-Known Member
My juvi imperator is just recovering from HLLE. It has been about 2-3 weeks during which I made regular water changes and soaked its food in either Selcon or vitaChem. It had extensive erosions on its face, round wounds at the head end of the lateral line and some inflammation along the lateral line. Now it has no facial wounds and only healing marks where the round erosions were.


Originally Posted by GeriDoc
My juvi imperator is just recovering from HLLE. It has been about 2-3 weeks during which I made regular water changes and soaked its food in either Selcon or vitaChem. It had extensive erosions on its face, round wounds at the head end of the lateral line and some inflammation along the lateral line. Now it has no facial wounds and only healing marks where the round erosions were.
Thank you for sharing your success story GeriDoc!!!! I am very glad everything worked out for your fish :happyfish


well my hlle has develeped a bit more (assuming its from being in the qt) but the spot has gone, problem i am having now though is i have changed at least 1/2 of my tank water and sal has only gone down about 0.04. do i just keep changing it until it gets right down? as i still have to get down another 0.1