white-clear little shrimp looking things?


New Member
so i went to my parents house for the night last night for easter and did not get to turn on my lights this morning, but when i came home tonight i turned it on and saw all these little shrimp looking thins on the the rocks running all over my rock and sand. and now for the sad thing is i have notice that i lost two of my crabs one scarlet crab and one blue leg crab so i don't know if they are part of the problem or not. i don't have a picture of them for they are hidden now and i can't find them. but are these guys good for the tank or are they going to hurt my tank?
so i will try and get a pic but it iwll be hard to get cause they are supper fast
little buggers!!
but any help would be great i just don't want to have to take the whole thing down to get rid of them.
thank you


Active Member
Sounds like copepods or some sort of pod. Perfectly harmless. I highly doubt they caused your crabs death.


New Member
thank you for the info. i am relieved to hear that it is somethign that i don't really have to worry about. is there anything i can do or should do to get ride of them or should i jus leave them alone and not worry about them?
thanks again.


Active Member
If they are pods, which I suspect they are, they are good for your tank. Leave them in there and hope the population grows.


New Member
alright cool thanks for the help and information. again this web site has helped with the wealth of knowledge on here.

thank you again,


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrbarker
alright cool thanks for the help and information. again this web site has helped with the wealth of knowledge on here.

thank you again,
Anytime! :happyfish