White coraline?


What would cause purple coraline to start turning white?
I have a couple tiny spots of purple coraline that has turned white, all on top of the rock. Is the light too strong? - 142 watts compact lighting, positioned about 5 inches from the top of the tank. The tank is only a 20 gal long. I am using two 10000K bulbs and two antic bulbs.
tests: Amm = 0, trite=0, trates<10pmm, alkalinity reads = high. My test kit doesn't provide an exact reading, only tells me low, normal, and high. Not sure what calcium is, need to buy that test kit. I do add calcium once a week though...


New Member
My coraline algae also turned white in my 29 gal reef tank before upgrading to 65 gal tank. The water flow is so important as well as calcium. I would definately get a calcium tester. By the way coraline algae turned back purple after a couple of months.


Active Member
dying and or regrowing will cause this, as mentioned, check your calcium(you want 350= FOR LR ONLY, 400-450 FOR REEF), LIGHTING may also play a factor in its growth