White Cysts but not ick?

aquarius 1

First my Maculousus Angel came down with these odd looking spots on him but I know for a fact that it isn't ick because I've had ick before, and even on this fish. They are very prominent almost white crystals that come and go but never really increase in number. I'm presently running the tank at 1.009 due to an ick outbreak but it isn't doing anything ot these crystal like formations on the skin. Also they have started to come out on my Orange-Shoulder Tang too and I still don't know what they are. They're not little salt grains, but much bigger than that. Also they're leaving scars on the skin on the angel? Any ideas on what they are? Or how to treat them?

aquarius 1

Here's a few pictures... they're not the greatest but hopefully they're worth something. Also these spots tend to come and go in the same areas on the Mac. Angel. Usually around the jaw, gills and mid to lower abdomen area. And it also seems that they aren't affecting the fish's behavior because there's no scratching or heavy breathing like that of ick.


Staff member
Yes, they do look quite big. HOw long have the fish been in hypo, and what are you using to measure the salinity??

aquarius 1

The Maculosus Angel has had these spots for months now, maybe 3-4 and I've been treating with hypo for somewhere in between 1 and 2 months. As far as measuring the salinity, I have used 6 different hydrometers to test it. I have 3 glass hydrometers and 3 plastic swing arm hydrometers. I know you say not to use the plastic ones because they are not accurate but I have matched them up against my three glass ones and I have recorded the calibration. The three glass ones read @ 1.007 - yes I know this sounds impossible but thats what it is, and the one of the plastic ones reads 1.007 and the other two when corrected (I think one is 2 above the actual and the other is two below) I still get 1.007. I was using hypo to treat an Ick outbreak that was very apparent on my Powder Blue Tang, but the Mac. Angel has had these larger spots since before the PB came down with ick. For about a month now there have been so signs of ick anywhere on any of my fish but the Mac. Angel and now even the Orange-Shoulder are starting to acquire these larger white spots.

aquarius 1

Also I forgot to mention that there had also been a Yellow Tang in this set up up until a month ago who went in at the same time as all the other fish. He came down with a severe case of black spot, and due to my poor recognition and late care, he died about a month ago. At that time and even since then I have not seen any signs of black spot on any of the other fish either.


Staff member
Are they in a hospital tank.
The only think I can suggest, would be a generalize copper treatment, but you can't do this in your main tank.


Staff member
I'm thinking flukes. But since I can't really tell for sure, all I can advise is a generalized treatment, such as copper.


I have an Angel with the same thing on it. It only has one
and it is on it's fin. Any more info?
Thanks much!