White dots on corals!


A colony of polyps have not opened lately and white dots on a couple of the polyps. I decided to reef dip em and I noticed a lot of small white dots in the solution after a minute. After looking a little closely at the tank. Another mushroom has these white dots all over it. Yet, it does not seem to be affected or irritated by them. Currently reef dipping the shroom as well.
What are these white dots???

I would take a pic, but camera would not focus on them.


Google says acoela is a species of flatworm. It may be possible at an early stage, but the dots don't look like flatworms. Now, I did treat the tank last week with Flatworm Exit. I did have an outbreak of the reddish flatworms. Although, it killed off a lot of those flatworms. I still see some that exist.


Active Member
Yeah tough little buggers. Overfeeding is a fig reason for an infestation. Like to see a pic of the white dots but still could be the white flatworms.