White Eyed Moray?


Active Member
Just at the LFS for lunch and they had this 12" eel with a pink head and yellowish brown speckeled body. They said it was listed as just a Moray Eel for $35.
I came back and did some research and it ends up being a White Eyed Eel.
Anyone know anything about them? Was thinking about adding him in my 75 with my SFE for some variety and moving them both to my 240 once it's up and running. I may go with 2-3 species of eels in my 240 instead of 1 large killer one that I have to worry about killing fish.


A local shop near me has a "mated pair" of these eels. They appear to be extremely peaceful. Wetwebmedia says they reach around 26", are very desirable, and are often found sharing a home with other eels in the wild. They are one of the more expensive eels, and up here in Canada the pair is going for $200.


From what Ive seen/read they have exactly the same husbandry and personality as a snowflake.


Active Member
So I should have no worries of either one killing the other one as soon as it hits the tank.
I am seriously considering picking him up today. Impulse buys..gotta love them..Lord it's like I have a fish sickness.


As long as they are of similar size and both have enough space to stakeout their own hole I wouldnt worry about it. I doubt many/any people here could tell you forsure as the white-eye isnt a common species. If for some reason they do fight, I doubt either would be killed as a result.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
I doubt many/any people here could tell you forsure as the white-eye isnt a common species.
That's the main reason I'm more attracted to him. Small, not super aggresive and fairly uncommon.


Active Member
Well I picked him up for free. I had 2 Royal Clown knifes in my fresh tank and one was not getting along well, so I did an even trade for an 8-9" Royal Clown.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Well I picked him up for free. I had 2 Royal Clown knifes in my fresh tank and one was not getting along well, so I did an even trade for an 8-9" Royal Clown.
I live in harford county and was just wondering which lfs is your favorite?Your probaly closest to the Aquarium Center do you ever go to Exotic Aquatics?


Active Member
My closest is actually House of Tropicals...it's just OK,fine place for feeders and you can stumble on a good find from time to time.
The Aquarium Center used to be nice but they have fallen off lately, no rare fish, and most of their Salt tanks recently crashed and wiped them out.
I visit Exotic Aquatics from time to time (30-45 min drive), But I must say their tanks are prestine. I have bought my Salt (Lion, Miniatus, SFE) there. And My Fresh (3 Lima Shovenoses) there.
Once I get my 240g converted to Salt I will by 100% of my fish from there. I trust their fish to be disease free.
This eel came from House of tropicals. They didn't know what it was and just called it a Moray Eel. And asked $35 for him. I also got my 3 Wide Bar Datnoids from House of tropicals about 2 years ago. (last time I have seen them locally) for $80/each.
SO I say visit them all and look for the bargains, but if quality is what your looking for EA has the best fish IMHO.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by 95Harley
Well I picked him up for free. I had 2 Royal Clown knifes in my fresh tank and one was not getting along well, so I did an even trade for an 8-9" Royal Clown.

Can't beat that price! I love hearing when people get good deals. He's really cool looking to.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
My closest is actually House of Tropicals...it's just OK,fine place for feeders and you can stumble on a good find from time to time.
The Aquarium Center used to be nice but they have fallen off lately, no rare fish, and most of their Salt tanks recently crashed and wiped them out.
I visit Exotic Aquatics from time to time (30-45 min drive), But I must say their tanks are prestine. I have bought my Salt (Lion, Miniatus, SFE) there. And My Fresh (3 Lima Shovenoses) there.
Once I get my 240g converted to Salt I will by 100% of my fish from there. I trust their fish to be disease free.
This eel came from House of tropicals. They didn't know what it was and just called it a Moray Eel. And asked $35 for him. I also got my 3 Wide Bar Datnoids from House of tropicals about 2 years ago. (last time I have seen them locally) for $80/each.
SO I say visit them all and look for the bargains, but if quality is what your looking for EA has the best fish IMHO.
If you ever get the chance to come up my way in churchville there is a place called Marine Dreams started by 2 long term employes of Exotic Aquatics.The quality and selection of fish is incredible.where is house of tropicals?


Well I must say, that Yes I did have one.... For A Day :mad: What a nightmare that eel was
I researched, asked about it and it tried killing my fish that night
I fed it and fed it, and it ate, but it still tried going after my fish, especially my Lions....... That eel was gone the next morning...... LOL That's my 12 hour experience with the white eye moray :thinking:
Here's the little nightmare...



Active Member
Originally Posted by MITSUTECH
If you ever get the chance to come up my way in churchville there is a place called Marine Dreams started by 2 long term employes of Exotic Aquatics.The quality and selection of fish is incredible.where is house of tropicals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by V-Lioness
Well I must say, that Yes I did have one.... For A Day :mad: What a nightmare that eel was
I researched, asked about it and it tried killing my fish that night
I fed it and fed it, and it ate, but it still tried going after my fish, especially my Lions....... That eel was gone the next morning...... LOL That's my 12 hour experience with the white eye moray :thinking:
Here's the little nightmare...

I've not had the same experience at all. Mine is in with a large Lion and Miniatus and he has been a model citizen so far. We'll see when he get's bigger. If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for yours Kaye, and what size was he/she.


If you don't mind me asking how much did you pay for yours Kaye, and what size was he/she.
It was around the same price $35, from my understanding of this eel, you either get a good one or bad. Mine was bad....lol I hesitated placing it in my tank, I don't think one person said it would or even could be trouble, I found out after the fact that it could. I would say it was 15 - 18 inches, that was my first and last eel....lol I hope everything goes well with yours, though I am not a eel person, that is a cool looking eel, I think the only eel I really like the looks of.