White fibers all over glass??


I have some kind of growth on the front of my glass. It looks like a bunch of white fibers, almost cotton-like. Kind of like a layer of fuzz. What could this be? It is making my tank look like crap. I scraped it off about a week ago and now it is back again. I need to get more snails because I have a little bit of a diatom problem, will they eat this stuff as well? I tried to get a picture but it didn't turn out that great.
Click this link for a picture...


I am not for sure, but it sounds like they might be (Q TIP) sponges. I have some on my tank not that many though. They are not harmful if that is what they are. Sponges are good.


I have some q-tip sponges on my LR and this stuff looks nothing like it really. This stuff is just a bunch of tiny fuzzy hairs.
The problem is that the whole front of my tank is covered with a layer of this "fuzz" and it's making my tank look like crap. I scraped them off again the other day and it seems it is already starting to get bad again. :confused:


could that be what aiptista looks like when it first starts i had something like that on my back glass but not that much got two pepermint shrimp and havent seen it again except for inside my hob filter


I don't know. *********** messed up my order and sent me 13 peppermint shrimp instead of 3 so if they liked to eat this stuff it would of been gone by now.