White film on clown

donna d

Can somebody tell me what could be causing my clown fish to have a slight white film on it? This is the 2nd one that its happened to. The 1st one died and this one probably will too. I dont know what to treat it for or even if i can. I have several corals n anemone. My water test are all normal(salinity,amn,ph,nitites,nitrates all good).I have a Goby also and he seems to be fine. :help:


I don't know if I will be much help but, I'll try.
I had what sounds to be the same thing on one of my damsels.
I treated with Melafix and it cleared up.
I would get alot more advice on it though. I am definately not an expert and what I did might be wrong even thoiugh it worked for me.

donna d

Did ya get it at our lfs? I wonder if it will hurt my anemone & corals.Thanks though i will look into it.


Active Member
I'm new so I can't help other than tell you to go to the disease forum. At this message board home page where you choose Nano, New Hobbist, etc...there is one listed as Disease and Treatment. You may find better help there, good luck.