White film on tomato


Active Member
My tomato has some white cotton like film starting on her sides, and the naso looks like he may be getting it to. What would the proper treatment for these fish be.


Active Member
I have had the tomato for over three years and has always looked very healthy. The tomato clown looked extremely good last night and this morning when I got up his sides looked really bad and he looked extremely bloated. I moved him into quarantine. Now my naso is looked a little washed out in his color. I am planning on moving him to quarantine also. Anybody know the proper remedy.


Staff member
Have you added any fish to the tank recently? What are your water readings? Give some tank info. What other fish do you have in the tank, and how are they doing?


Active Member
I recently upgraded from a 90 gallon to a 125 gallon. I got a naso a couple weeks ago but had him in quarantine for 2 weeks and he looked fine. three days ago I lost a percula clown within three hours of the clown swimming just fine. I am going to get some macryin 2 tommorow and treat the fish in quarantine for another 2 weeks I think. PH is 8.2 and calcium is 450. The tank is getting a whole bunch more light now that it is summer and the sand is experiencing alot of algae. The purple tang, percula, damsel, and lawnmower blennie all look just fine. I have a large unused sump that I use as a quarantine tank.


Staff member
Is the "cotton" pealing off? I'm thinking brooklynella. Could you introduced this parasite into your tank?
There was a resent thread here that had a pic of a per with brook. See if you can find it and compare it to how your clown looks.


Active Member
It is stringy like and on the top of the naso top fin and on the sides of the tomato. Both fish are now in quarantine. The only thing that I can think of is that I did get a clean up crew from DR mac last week and did not quarantine the inverts, but I tried to get as little water from the bags into the tank.
The naso looks like he has white between the scales, almost like somedody took a painted wall and vertically drew white hairline lines verticaly.


Active Member
I plan on treating this with a formalin ( think that is what it is called ) dip as prescribed in numerous other threads. Is the stuff sold as formalin or some special name that I need to ask for.
I can't believe that the fish can go from showing the slightest signs of the sickness to being dead in 24 hours. My wife just called me at work and the naso is on his side barely breathing. I am wondering if I should treat all the fish with baths or just keep an eye on the fish in the main display for symptoms. It was easy to catch the infected fish but the fish in the main display will be nearly impossible.


Active Member
I did a search and all of your advice wishes I could go get it right now but being military and a bunch of broke jets has kept me here at work all day. I plan to first thing in the morning find some formalin and do the dips. Do you think I should dip the other fish as a preventative measure. My perculas never hung around eachother and I assume that my tomato probably harrased the first percula when it got sickly and got infected. The naso was inside the main take only a week so he probably was week from being introduced into a new enviroment. Honestly the only fish that would destroy me is the purple tang since he has been in the tank for a year and a half and cost a bundle if I loose him. The remaining fish all look healthy so hopefully I removed the parasite when I put the 2 sick fish in quarantine.