white fuzz


New Member
ok so i have some pieces of live rock in my tank that now has some white fuzz lookin stuff on it... its now spread slightly to the sand... is this bad or what.


New Member
i dont have my digital with me today its back at my dorm... but it looks like mold from the fridge when its all white and fuzzy. also i should mention that this isnt live rock... it was rock that was at my lfs and it was in the base rock bin but it looked very cool so i got 2 pieces. there looked to be some green mossy lookin stuff on it but it was very dry so i know it was dead. could this just be the dieoff from the moss/algae?


Originally Posted by racer1113
i dont have my digital with me today its back at my dorm... but it looks like mold from the fridge when its all white and fuzzy. also i should mention that this isnt live rock... it was rock that was at my lfs and it was in the base rock bin but it looked very cool so i got 2 pieces. there looked to be some green mossy lookin stuff on it but it was very dry so i know it was dead. could this just be the dieoff from the moss/algae?
Without a pic it is hard to say. If it is in the same spot that the green moss was then I would say yes. Pull it off.